Book Titles

Winners Never Cheat
Even in Difficult Times

By Jon M Huntsman

Year Published: 2009
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-700903-9
Categories: Ethics, Honesty, Success, Winning

135 Quotes Found

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Winners Never Cheat:

Once you compromise your values by agreeing to bribes or payoffs, it is difficult to ever to reestablish your reputation or credibility.


Winners Never Cheat:

…carefully choose your partners, be they individuals, companies, or nations.


Winners Never Cheat:

Competition is an integral part of the entrepreneurial spirit and the free market. Cheating and lying are not.


Winners Never Cheat:

Real winners never sneak to finish lines by clandestine or compromised routes. They do it the old-fashioned way – with talent, hard work, trust, fairness, and honesty.


Winners Never Cheat:

…the golden rule of integrity: Trust is a greater compliment than affection. With integrity comes respect.


Winners Never Cheat:

There are basically three kinds of people: the unsuccessful, the temporarily successful, and those who become and remain successful. The difference… is character.


Winners Never Cheat:

There are no moral shortcuts in the game of business – or in the game of life.


Winners Never Cheat:

Careful cultivation pays off… employers who nurture, praise, and when necessary, discipline fairly, experience happier and more successful lives for themselves and those in their charge.


Winners Never Cheat:

Reprove faults in a way that keeps intact self-confidence and commitment to do better.


Winners Never Cheat:

Effective, respected leadership is maintained through mutual agreement. Leadership demanded is leadership denied.