Winners Never Cheat:
…tolerance and charity are pillars of ethical behavior.
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Winners Never Cheat:
In good times and in bad, our values insist we act graciously and generously.
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Winners Never Cheat:
Ethical responsibility is the gold standard for determining civilized, decent courses of action.
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Winners Never Cheat:
Each [American] dreamer is provided with an opportunity to participate on a playing field made level by honor, hard work, and integrity.
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Winners Never Cheat:
The rationale that everyone fudges, or that you have to cheat to stay competitive is a powerful lure, to be sure. The path to perdition is enticing, slippery, and all downhill.
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Winners Never Cheat:
Financial ends never justify unethical means.
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Winners Never Cheat:
Nice guys really can and do finish first in life.
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Winners Never Cheat:
Values aren’t to be conveniently molded to fit particular situations. They are indelibly etched in our very beings as natural impulses that never go stale…
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Winners Never Cheat:
Forget about who finishes first and who finishes last. Decent, honorable people finish races – and their lives – in grand style and with respect.
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Winners Never Cheat:
You know darn well what is right and wrong.
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