A World Without Email:
When employees are miserable they perform worse. They’re also more likely… to burnout, leading to increased healthcare costs and expensive employee turnover.
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A World Without Email:
…our instinct to connect is accompanies by an anxious unease when we neglect these interactions.
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A World Without Email:
…deeply embedded human drives are not known for responding to rationality.
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A World Without Email:
No matter what the expectation, the awareness that there are messages waiting for you somewhere triggers anxiety, ruining the potential relaxation of your time off.
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A World Without Email:
By embracing email, we inadvertently crippled the systems that make us so good at working together.
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A World Without Email:
…prioritization of abstract written communication over in-person communication disregarded the immensely complex and finely tuned social circuits that our species evolved to optimize our ability to work cooperatively.
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A World Without Email:
The richer the sender’s subjective experience of what she’s trying to communicate, the bigger the gap grows between her understanding and that of her correspondent…
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A World Without Email:
When you… bypass all the rich, non-linguistic social tools… you shouldn’t be surprised that work messaging is making us miserable.
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A World Without Email:
…email is not a universal form of interaction… it is instead an impoverished simulacrum of the types of complex and nuanced behaviors that… defined our communications…
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A World Without Email:
Tools like email almost completely eliminate the effort required – in terms of both time and social capital – to ask a question or delegate a task.
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