Book Titles

Toxic Positivity
Keeping It Real in a World Obsessed with Being Happy

By Whitney Goodman

Year Published: 2022
ISBN-13: 978-0593418277
Categories: Negativity, Toxic Positivity

102 Quotes Found

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Toxic Positivity:

Toxic positivity has a large impact on our ability to connect emotionally. We’re afraid to show how we’re feeling because we’ll appear ‘negative’ or ‘ungrateful.’


Toxic Positivity:

The pressure to have it all… keeps us trapped in beautifully decorated cages.


Toxic Positivity:

It’s OK to express your emotions; it’s what makes you human.


Toxic Positivity:

Remember to respect your own boundaries and the boundaries of others. We never know for certain what someone else has been through and how they will receive the information.


Toxic Positivity:

…it is so important to learn how to identify your own emotions, label your feelings, and express them in a healthy way.


Toxic Positivity:

The goal of emotional expression is to feel more understood and supported, not to feel worse.


Toxic Positivity:

…choosing when, where, and with whom we share our emotions is extremely important.


Toxic Positivity:

You don’t have to love every part of your life… Allow yourself to be grateful for what is and hopeful for what could be.


Toxic Positivity:

…let’s be honest, complaining is an ancient human form of catharsis and connection, and it’s never going away.


Toxic Positivity:

Complaining can serve a real purpose in our lives.