Book Titles

Toxic Positivity
Keeping It Real in a World Obsessed with Being Happy

By Whitney Goodman

Year Published: 2022
ISBN-13: 978-0593418277
Categories: Negativity, Toxic Positivity

102 Quotes Found

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Toxic Positivity:

Shaming ourselves for experiencing a normal, biologically programmed response to a stimulus isn’t going to lead us anywhere. It’s just going to end in more shame, more pretending, and hiding.


Toxic Positivity:

It’s so hard to connect when we feel isolated and like we’re the only one experiencing something.


Toxic Positivity:

Contrary to popular belief, there are no negative emotions. There are only emotions that are harder to experience or that cause more distress…


Toxic Positivity:

Gratitude, like happiness, has become a moral obligation that we must fulfill. Without it, our culture tells us, you’re probably doomed to a life of sadness and loneliness.


Toxic Positivity:

If we constantly focused only on our lack or what we’re missing, life would be impossibly dark and challenging.


Toxic Positivity:

Your thoughts are powerful but they don’t create your entire reality.


Toxic Positivity:

Distress, discomfort, and anxiety are all a guaranteed part of life.


Toxic Positivity:

When you try to avoid an emotion, you often up feeling it anyway. And usually it’s ten times worse.


Toxic Positivity:

Simply knowing what emotion you’re experiencing and being able to give it a label can transform your emotional experience and help you feel more at ease.


Toxic Positivity:

…you have to allow yourself to experience the full breadth of the emotion… to complete the stress cycle and decide how you’d like to deal with the feeling or emotion.