Denial is the unconscious calculus that if an unpleasant reality were true, it would be too terrible, so therefore it cannot be true.
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…denial may be the biggest and potentially most ruinous problem that businesses face, from start-ups to mature, powerful corporations.
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…the impulse to avoid painful truths, just like the impulse to avoid pain itself, is a part of human nature.
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Denial is seductive because it can work in the short term. Occasionally it works in the long term, but that is rarely true in business.
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What must be kept in mind is that most of us march backward into the future. We see what was.
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Cars inspire passion in their owners. A car is the most expensive branded item the average consumer purchases.
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A product in the business world is what the consumer makes it.
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Any product or service is a combination of what the business provides and what the consumer wants and expects.
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The fantasy that if you get rid of the messenger, you can render the message untrue is a powerful one.
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Even in today’s multitasking world, paying attention to everything is impossible, so we are constantly making unconscious choices about what to notice.
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