Book Titles

A Game Plan for Life
The Power of Mentoring

By John Wooden

Year Published: 2009
ISBN-13: 978-1596917019
Categories: Coaching, Mentoring, Teaching

47 Quotes Found

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A Game Plan for Life:

…mentors… offer up their own experiences for the benefit of others.


A Game Plan for Life:

…the best leaders are usually humble leaders because they gain loyalty through respect rather than bravado.


A Game Plan for Life:

Mentoring is never about the mentor; it’s always about the mentee.


A Game Plan for Life:

…mentoring often involves telling people what they need to hear, rather than what they want to hear.


A Game Plan for Life:

…every one of us can serve others, whether by meeting their physical needs or their emotional ones.


A Game Plan for Life:

Mentoring can happen whenever there is a lesson to be learned, even if the lesson is something as basic as showing love.


A Game Plan for Life:

A mentor must always guide, never push.


A Game Plan for Life:

It is important for us to see that our mentors are human and therefore fallible; it makes our own shortcomings more tenable.


A Game Plan for Life:

Even during our own personal low periods, we can continue to try to be a mentor to those around us.


A Game Plan for Life:

It is the small acts of teaching, infused with genuine care, that touch a life, which in turn touches another.