Book Titles

A Game Plan for Life
The Power of Mentoring

By John Wooden

Year Published: 2009
ISBN-13: 978-1596917019
Categories: Coaching, Mentoring, Teaching

47 Quotes Found

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A Game Plan for Life:

Mentors do not seek to create a new person; they simply seek to help a person become a better version of himself.


A Game Plan for Life:

You need to allow yourself the luxury of learning… there is nothing more valuable than learning from someone who has been there.


A Game Plan for Life:

Advice, after all, is just experience without the pain of having to learn those lessons yourself.


A Game Plan for Life:

Knowledge is nothing unless it is shared… knowledge for knowledge’s sake is a wonderful ideal, but in reality, it is the transmission of understanding that is the very basis of civilization.


A Game Plan for Life:

Parents need to be parents, not friends, to their children.


A Game Plan for Life:

Some lessons are learned more subconsciously than consciously.


A Game Plan for Life:

…you are directly affected by the behavior of those around you, and your example can influence the attitude and behavior of others.


A Game Plan for Life:

Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable.


A Game Plan for Life:

You can be a mentor… but you must still be receptive to learning yourself, to being mentored.


A Game Plan for Life:

Discipline applied fairly and effectively rarely needs to be repeated.