Little Bets:
Bring rigorous about spotting flaws and continuing to push toward excellence is essential to creative achievement.
051 |

Little Bets:
What the creation of low cost, rough prototypes makes possible is failing quickly in order to learn fast.
052 |

Little Bets:
…prototyping: Potential users of ideas are more comfortable sharing their honest reactions when it’s rough… – Chris Thoen
063 |

Little Bets:
…we are more likely to experience flow when we do work that appeals to our intrinsic interests that’s also aligned to our personal strengths.
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Little Bets:
…the highest paid person’s opinion (HiPPO) usually dominates how people make decisions inside most organizations.
075 |

Little Bets:
People equate status and money with intelligence and insight, when often there’s little correlation.
075 |

Little Bets:
Research evidence suggests a strong link between inquisitiveness and creative productivity.
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Little Bets:
…fostering a questioning mind is also fostering one that is predisposed to a growth perspective.
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Little Bets:
…a preponderance of evidence… indicates that diversity, be it of perspectives, experiences, or backgrounds, fuels creativity.
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Little Bets:
…lucky people tend to be open to opportunities (or insights) that come along spontaneously, whereas unlucky people tend to be creatures of routine, fixated on certain specific outcomes.
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