Book Titles

Little Bets
How Breakthrough Ideas Emerge from Small Discoveries

By Peter Smis

Year Published: 2011
ISBN-13: 978-1439170427
Categories: Discovery, Ideas, Iterative

27 Quotes Found

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Little Bets:

…when trying to do something new or uncertain, we rarely know what we don’t know.


Little Bets:

The important thing to remember is that while prodigies are exceptionally rare, anyone can use little bets to unlock creative ideas.


Little Bets:

When someone has the insight to see clearly into the future… pursuing that brilliant vision with unwavering determination can produce remarkable results.


Little Bets:

…importantly, entrepreneurs do not try to avoid errors or surprises.


Little Bets:

In almost any attempt to create, failure, and often a good deal of it, is to be expected.


Little Bets:

…important discoveries [will be made] by being willing to be imperfect, especially at the initial stages of developing their ideas.


Little Bets:

Becoming more comfortable with failure, and coming to view false starts as opportunities opens us up creatively.


Little Bets:

Of course, just failing is not the key; the key is to be systematically learning from failures.


Little Bets:

Practicing little bets frees us from the expectation that we should know everything we need to know before we begin.


Little Bets:

Redefining problems and failures as opportunities focuses our attention on insights to be gained rather than worrying about the risks we’re taking.