It’s the Manager:
…there’s no evidence anywhere in the world, in any institution of management science, that existing massive employee evaluation and rating processes are effective.
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It’s the Manager:
The new purpose of business – and the future of way – has to include maximizing human potential.
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It’s the Manager:
…while the science of management has advanced significantly in the past three decades, the practice of management hasn’t.
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It’s the Manager:
When companies are failing to grow organically, CEOs give up, go back to their offices, acquire their competitors and cut prices.
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It’s the Manager:
Bet your leadership on this: When team inspiration grows, client build-outs, revenue and quality earnings grow.
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It’s the Manager:
…the single and most profound, distinct and clarifying finding – ever – is probably this one: 70% of the variance in team engagement is determined solely by the manager.
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It’s the Manager:
…if you have old management practices, you need to significantly change your workplace – transform your culture.
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It’s the Manager:
Millenials and Generation Z don’t want annual reviews – they want ongoing conversations.
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It’s the Manager:
…research shows that weaknesses never develop into strengths, while strengths develop infinitely.
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It’s the Manager:
Your success as a leader depends on your reputation extending beyond your closest confidants.
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