The Making of a Manager:
You can’t do your best work unless you physically feel your best, so take care of yourself. It’s always worth it.
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The Making of a Manager:
…if there is a secret sauce to self-improvement, it’s to ask for feedback from other people all the time.
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The Making of a Manager:
The more your experiences – good or bad – get shaped into lessons and stories that help you and others, the faster your growth trajectory.
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The Making of a Manager:
When you invest in your personal learning and growth, you’re not just investing in your own future, but also the future of your team. The better you are, the more you’re able to support others.
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The Making of a Manager:
…talking with someone face-to-face is still one of the best ways to communicate and get work done.
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The Making of a Manager:
There are only a handful of reasons for people to get together in person, so being crystal clear about the outcomes you’re shooting for is the first step to running great meetings.
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The Making of a Manager:
Practice clarity and ruthless efficiency with your meetings, and people will thank you for respecting the sanctity of their time.
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The Making of a Manager:
When you are buckling under the strain of a short-staffed team it can be very hard to resist someone who seems available and ready to do the work.
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The Making of a Manager:
Even when you don’t end up extending an offer, an amazing interview experience tells prospective hires that you care about the people who might be the future of your organization.
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The Making of a Manager:
As a manager, one of the smartest ways to multiply your team’s impact is to hire the best people and empower them to do more and more until you stretch the limits of their capabilities.
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