A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea.
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Tribes need leadership. Sometimes one person leads, sometimes more. People want connection and growth and something new. They want change.
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You can’t have a tribe without a leader – and you can’t be a leader without a tribe.
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We are drawn to leaders and to their ideas, and we can’t resist the rush of belonging and the thrill of the new.
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Generous and authentic leadership will always defeat the selfish efforts of someone doing it just because she can.
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It turns out that belief happens to be a brilliant strategy.
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…the fear that used to protect us at work is now our enemy; it’s now the thing standing in the way.
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Heretics are the new leaders. The ones who challenge the status quo, who get out in front of their tribes, who create movements.
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With tribes flourishing everywhere, there’s a vast shortage of leaders. We need you.
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Change is frightening, and to many people who would be leaders, it seems more of a threat than a promise.
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