Out of Our Minds:
…we don’t grow into creativity; we grow out of it. Often we are educated out of it.
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Out of Our Minds:
…it is a mistake to think of the relationship between education and the economy as a straightforward process of supply and demand…
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Out of Our Minds:
While industrial systems may be standardized, mechanistic and linear, human life simply is not.
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Out of Our Minds:
The curricula of most school systems seem to divide into two broad groups: the useful disciplines and the useless ones.
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Out of Our Minds:
Ironically, the demand for new skills is coming at a time when colleges are least able to adapt and provide them because growing student numbers restrict the time available for staff to offer personalized teaching.
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Out of Our Minds:
We live in a time when the ability to adapt is critical.
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Out of Our Minds:
Few employees trust employers to provide useful opportunities for professional development.
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Out of Our Minds:
The proliferation of digital technologies has created what has been called the biggest generation gap since rock and roll.
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Out of Our Minds:
The creative capacities of generations of people have been sacrificed needlessly to an academic illusion.
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Out of Our Minds:
Despite all the attempts to promote parity between academic and vocational courses, the attitude persists that academic programs are of a much higher status.
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