Out of Our Minds:
The consequences of a lack of creativity can be severe.
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Out of Our Minds:
Fortunes rise or fall according to how well they adapt to changing circumstances.
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Out of Our Minds:
All organizations are competing in a world in which the ability to innovate and adapt to change is not a luxury: it is a necessity.
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Out of Our Minds:
All organizations are organic and perishable. They are created by people and they need to be constantly re-created if they are to survive.
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Out of Our Minds:
…education is meant to guide us from childhood to maturity. It should be high among the ways in which we realize our creative abilities. More often it is why we lose sight of them.
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Out of Our Minds:
We may not be able to predict the future but we can help to shape it.
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Out of Our Minds:
The impossible yesterday is routine today. Wait until tomorrow.
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Out of Our Minds:
…the course of human affairs, in business as elsewhere, usually defies prediction and often beggars belief.
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Out of Our Minds:
Digital technologies are blurring the boundaries between home and work, business and pleasure.
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Out of Our Minds:
Far from looking to the future, too often [systems of mass education] are facing stubbornly towards the past.
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