…we are quick to jump to conclusions because we give too much weight to the information that’s right in front of us, while failing to consider the information that’s just offstage.
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What’s in the spotlight will rarely be everything we need to make a good decision, but we don’t always remember to shift the light.
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Sometimes we are given the advice to trust our guts when we make important decisions.
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A better decision process substantially improves the results of the decision, as well as the financial returns associated with them.
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The only decision-making process in wide circulation is the pros-and-cons list.
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…narrow framing… is the tendency to define our choices too narrowly, to see them in binary terms.
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…because pros and cons are generated in our heads, it is very, very easy for us to bias the factors. We think we are conducting a sober comparison, but, in reality, our brains are following orders from our guts.
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When people have the opportunity to collect information from the world, they are more likely to select information that supports their preexisting attitudes, beliefs, and actions.
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When we’ve got a difficult decision to make, our feelings churn.
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People think they know more than they do about how the future will unfold.
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