Book Titles

Hidden Potential
The Science of Achieving Greater Things

By Adam Grant

Year Published: 2023
ISBN-13: ISBN-13 978-0593653142
Categories: Achievement, Potential, Science

119 Quotes Found

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Hidden Potential:

You can’t become truly comfortable with a skill until you’ve practiced enough to master it. But practicing it before you master it is uncomfortable, so you often avoid it.


Hidden Potential:

Accelerating learning requires a… form of courage: being brave enough to use your knowledge as you acquire it.


Hidden Potential:

When discomfort is a signal of progress, you don’t want to run away from it. You want to keep stumbling toward it to continue growing.


Hidden Potential:

When we’re encouraged to make mistakes, we end up making fewer of them. Early mistakes help us remember the correct answer – and motivate us to keep learning.


Hidden Potential:

You don’t need to get comfortable before you can practice your skills. Your comfort grows as you practice your skills.


Hidden Potential:

…as long as you’re willing to be a little uncomfortable, it’s never too late to learn. And that courage can be contagious.


Hidden Potential:

If we wait until we feel ready to take on a new challenge, we might never pursue it at all. There may not come a day when we wake up and suddenly feel prepared. We become prepared by taking the leap anyway.


Hidden Potential:

Improving depends not on the quality of information you seek out, but the quality of the information you take in. Growth is less about how hard you work than how well you learn.


Hidden Potential:

The progress we normally chalk up to working harder may actually be due to working smarter.


Hidden Potential:

Prosperity rises as people become more capable of absorbing new ideas and filtering out old ones.