There will always be, one can assume, a need for some selling. But the aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous.
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Above all, ‘innovation’ is not invention. It is a term of economics rather than of technology. Nontechnical innovation – social or economic innovations – are at least as important as technological ones.
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Innovation can be defined as the task of endowing human and material resources with new and greater wealth-producing capacity.
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Risk-taking decisions… are made every day by a host of people of subordinate rank, very often by people without a traditional managerial title or position.
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The consumer – that is, the ultimate user of a product or service – is always a customer. But he is never the customer; there are usually at least two, sometimes more.
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What is our business?’ is almost always a difficult question and the right answer is usually anything but obvious.
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That business purpose and business mission are so rarely given adequate thought is perhaps the most important single cause of business frustration and business failure.
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With respect to the definition of business purpose and mission, there is only one such focus, one starting point. It is the customer. The customer defines the business.
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To wait until a business or an industry is in trouble is playing Russian roulette. It is irresponsible management.
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Success always obsoletes the very behavior that achieved it. It always creates new realities. It always creates, above all, its own and different problems.
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