Book Titles

The Infinite Game

By Simon Sinek

Year Published: 2019
ISBN-13: 978-0-7352-1350-0
Categories: Games, Play, Rules

141 Quotes Found

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The Infinite Game:

A Just Cause is a specific vision of a future state that does not yet exist: a future state so appealing that people are willing to make sacrifices in order to help advance toward that vision.


The Infinite Game:

…when there is a Just Cause, a reason to come to work that is bigger than any particular win, our days take on more meaning and feel more fulfilling.


The Infinite Game:

Human beings want to feel a part of something. We crave the feeling of belonging. We enjoy the feeling of being part of a group…


The Infinite Game:

This is how movements come to be. It starts with a few people. Their idealized vision of the future attracts believers. Those early adopters don’t show up to get anything, they show up to give. They want to help.


The Infinite Game:

The reality is, EVERYONE is passionate about something, but we aren’t all passionate about the same thing.


The Infinite Game:

Too many of our cultures are filled with people working to protect their own interests and the interests of those above them before those of the people they are supposed to be serving.


The Infinite Game:

The most loyal employees feel their leaders genuinely care about them…because their leaders genuinely do care about them.


The Infinite Game:

Markets will rise and fall, people will come and go, technologies will evolve, products and services will adapt to consumer tastes and market demands.


The Infinite Game:

…when others can see a vision become something real, skeptics become believers and even more people feel inspired by the possibility and willingly commit their time and energy, ideas and talents…


The Infinite Game:

…a written statement… dramatically increases the chances that the Cause will survive to guide and inspire future generations beyond the founders and those who knew the founders.