Hard work can produce great play. At their best, work and play weave together inseparably, each supporting the other.
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Business at its best is play. It is about deep thinking, imaginative thinking, thinking of what no one else has thought of. The people and organizations who can do this are the ones who get rich.
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Habits, routines, and rituals allow you to put your conscious mind in more interesting places than remembering to put coins in the meter.
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The single most important reason people fail at work or in relationships is poor communication.
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Bring up problems sooner rather than later. Don’t let fear hold you back. The problem will only get worse… when life goes so fast, it is essential to communicate often and clearly.
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Pay attention to the subtleties of communication: tone of voice, body language, choice of words, pauses. Good communication requires your full attention.
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As much as you possibly can, live your life. Don’t live a life of trying to please everyone else first and you last.
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Just get well enough organized so that disorganization doesn’t keep you from reaching your goals.
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Don’t get too busy to care for yourself. This may seem obvious, but millions of hardworking, smart people neglect basic issues of self-care.
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Spending time with your children is good for them, and it is good for you. It is time that you will never regret spending.
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