Give yourself permission to get rid of what hinders you, whether they’re projects, people, or ideas.
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The more you put something off, the larger it looms.
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Clutter is one of the major forces… that have to be managed lest they not only diastract but overwhelm you.
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You have to work at clutter every day, or it will win out.
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…forgiving someone merely means letting go of anger, not condoning what was done. Chronic anger is a major and toxic distraction.
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Delegate what you don’t like to do or are not good at if you possibly can.
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Your goal should be to be not independent, but rather effectively interdependent.
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The time for anything grows shorter every day as we hurry to get more done.
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Increasingly, we have grown unable to linger. But it is in lingering that we do our best thinking and connecting.
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If we want to be as happy as can be, and if we want to preserve our position in the world, we will do so by thinking harder and feeling more deeply, not frantically trying to put in ever more hours.
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