What if it Does Work Out?:
…if your decisions leave you feeling insecure, small, and unsatisfied – fear has got you wrapped around its little finger, my friend.
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What if it Does Work Out?:
Our self-esteem is built on what other people value, even when that is not necessarily what we really want.
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What if it Does Work Out?:
We are afraid to be different, but the funny thing is, what makes us different is what makes us interesting. It makes us beautiful, noticeable, and uniquely useful in this world.
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What if it Does Work Out?:
Consider how you can view your current fear as an opportunity to learn, grow, and unearth more of your inner power.
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What if it Does Work Out?:
That feeling stirring within you is something good waiting to happen. Your fear is actually showing you what you need to do next.
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What if it Does Work Out?:
You are in the driver’s seat of your life. Your fear is not…. Your fears are not in control. You are.
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What if it Does Work Out?:
A wonderful thing about life and growth is that the more you take on new challenges – when you let what is greater than fear, your desires, lead – your fear subsides.
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What if it Does Work Out?:
Your fear never has to rule.
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What if it Does Work Out?:
Important people are more approachable than you realize. Because people rarely approach them.
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What if it Does Work Out?:
There are opportunities everywhere if you open your eyes and look.
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