Book Titles

What if it Does Work Out?
How a Side Hustle Can Change Your Life

By Susie Moore

Year Published: 2017
ISBN-13: 978-0486816494
Categories: Change, Life

151 Quotes Found

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What if it Does Work Out?:

Whatever your defining moment or moments are to you, you know it when you feel them.


What if it Does Work Out?:

For many,… the impetus for creating a side hustle is dissatisfaction with their existing day job.


What if it Does Work Out?:

…[with a side hustle]… You make extra money,use talents that lie dormant in your nine-to-five day job – and hedge your bets against an uncertain economy.


What if it Does Work Out?:

We all want to make a meaningful impact in the world doing work that we love. On our own terms.


What if it Does Work Out?:

Fear is always real. Fear of change is one of the biggest preventers for our changing anything in our lives at all.


What if it Does Work Out?:

When we speak them, dreams become real. And that’s terrifying because we know what we need to do.


What if it Does Work Out?:

It may not seem obvious at first but, more often than not, if something scares us it’s because it’s important to us.


What if it Does Work Out?:

Fear manifests itself in a million ugly ways. It shows up as excuses. Or procrastination. It shows up as practicality.


What if it Does Work Out?:

Once we say it aloud it has a certain power. Many dreams are buried because we are too scared to voice them to ourselves.


What if it Does Work Out?:

…only YOU know the true motivation behind statements you make or think.