Good Boss, Bad Boss:
Despite the horseshit spewed out by too many management gurus, there are no magic bullets, instant cures, or easy shortcuts to becoming a great boss. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar.
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Good Boss, Bad Boss:
The best bosses succeed because they keep chipping away at a huge pile of dull, interesting, fun, rewarding, trivial, frustrating, and often ridiculous chores.
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Good Boss, Bad Boss:
The success or failure of every boss hinges on how well or how badly he or she navigates these vexing and all-too-human relationships.
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Good Boss, Bad Boss:
…having a good boss decreases your chances of getting a heart attack.
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Good Boss, Bad Boss:
Employees’ immediate bosses have far more impact on engagement and performance than whether their companies are rated as great or lousy places to work.
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Good Boss, Bad Boss:
…research shows that good bosses are especially crucial to employee performance in otherwise lousy workplaces.
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Good Boss, Bad Boss:
…people do not quit organizations, they quit bad bosses. – Robert Hogan
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Good Boss, Bad Boss:
In businesses where a higher proportion of employees report that their immediate bosses care about them, employee satisfaction, retention, and productivity are higher, and so is profitability.
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Good Boss, Bad Boss:
The ways that senior leaders treat direct reports create numerous other ripple effects that travel down and across the hierarchy, shaping a company’s culture and performance.
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Good Boss, Bad Boss:
If you are a boss, the beliefs and assumptions you hold about yourself, your work, and your people shape what you do every day and how you (and others) judge if things are going well or badly.
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