Book Titles

Leaders Eat Last
Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t

By Simon Sinek

Year Published: 2014
ISBN-13: 978-1-59184-801-1
Categories: Employees, Leadership, Management

264 Quotes Found

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Leaders Eat Last:

…it’s all about balance. Too little involvement [in our kids’ lives] is bad… and so is too much.


Leaders Eat Last:

Research shows that more extrinsic rewards do not add up to greater inner drive. In fact, they have the opposite effect – a decline in intrinsic motivation.


Leaders Eat Last:

…[extrinsic rewards], when used as a primary means of incentivizing behavior in a work environment, can’t and don’t breed trust, loyalty or commitment.


Leaders Eat Last:

Giving out awards is good. Giving out awards to everyone who participates is not necessarily better.


Leaders Eat Last:

In the real world, we get nothing for coming in last. Sometimes we don’t even get anything for coming in first.


Leaders Eat Last:

According to brain research, true multi-tasking does not actually exist.


Leaders Eat Last:

The evidence is indisputable… those who think they are more productive because they are better at multitasking are just wrong. What they are better at is being distracted.


Leaders Eat Last:

…to be a part of something bigger than ourselves… we are a part of a movement that will live on beyond the goals we set or the lives of the people who set them.


Leaders Eat Last:

…relationships are not only important to our survival, but also to our sense of fulfillment.


Leaders Eat Last:

The desire for instant gratification allows no time for relationships to develop. Digital communication can stand in the way of deepening our relationships.