Book Titles

Leaders Eat Last
Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t

By Simon Sinek

Year Published: 2014
ISBN-13: 978-1-59184-801-1
Categories: Employees, Leadership, Management

264 Quotes Found

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Leaders Eat Last:

So goes the culture, so go the people.


Leaders Eat Last:

…it’s not the people who set the course. It’s the leadership.


Leaders Eat Last:

Even an industry that is less collaborative by the nature of its product or service can benefit from sharing.


Leaders Eat Last:

Huge improvements can happen just by getting a fresh set of eyes on the work.


Leaders Eat Last:

Isn’t this the idea of learning – to pass on our knowledge to others?


Leaders Eat Last:

The cross-pollination of ideas produces innovation to a degree that would make most people’s heads spin.


Leaders Eat Last:

We work to advance the vision of a leader who inspires us and we work to undermine a dictator who means to control us.


Leaders Eat Last:

The more attention leaders focus on their own wealth or power, the more they stop acting like leaders and start taking on more of the attributes of tyrants.


Leaders Eat Last:

When someone used to being in control is in a situation they don’t fully understand, they can be blind to their own ignorance.


Leaders Eat Last:

Give authority to those closest to the information.