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Language is how you give intention to your intuition and how you share your vision with others. Language is how you create a culture.


When you expose yourself to new places, it helps you break free from your current thinking and envision new ideas.


In the absence of a vision, we are each driven by our own agenda, finding people whose interests match ours, and inattentive to those with whom we appear to have little in common.


This new [type of] leader carries the distinction that it is the framework of fear and scarcity, not scarcity itself, that promotes divisions between people.


Leaders who become their vision often seem uncommonly brave to the rest of us. Whether from the middle of the action, or from the sidelines, they are a conduit for carrying the vision forward.


A vision is a powerful framework to take the operations of an organization of any size from the downward spiral into the arena of possibility.


A vision becomes a framework for possibility when it meets certain criteria that distinguish it from the objectives…


A vision is an open invitation and an inspiration for people to create ideas and events that correlate with its definitional framework.


When a vision is leading an organization, it is instantly and steadily accessible to all members of the group.


Often the experience of a personal crisis or a failure will constitute a basis for the creation of a personal vision, which in turn becomes the framework for a life of possibility.