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On our path to achieving a goal we inevitably encounter obstacles. Some of the more familiar ones, aside from other people, are sacrifices of time, money, power, love, resources, and inner strength.


At any point in your life or career, you can set an objective, research the skills, experiences, or resources you need to go after it and then map out a plan to achieve it. Seriously.

…sometimes you’re not getting what you want because you haven’t asked the right person yet.


If you’ve lost conviction but refuse to change course because of what you’ve already invested or achieved, then you’re officially doing things for the wrong reason.


Your team must feel taken care of and must have no doubt that they are being rewarded as best as possible for their achievements – and then a little bit more.


This is at the crux of management: It is the belief that a team of people can achieve more than a single person going it alone.


The first part of your job as a manager is to ensure that your team knows what success looks like and cares about achieving it.


The best plans don’t matter if you can’t achieve them accurately or quickly enough to make a difference.