Fortunes rise or fall according to how well they adapt to changing circumstances.
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We live in a time when the ability to adapt is critical.
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You can’t always wait for the business world to develop a clear new pattern – smart adaptation means not waiting to change until you have no other choice.
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One of the most crucial qualities a business-builder can possess is knowing when to stand firm and when to adapt.
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…if you fail to adapt, no one – not your employer, not the government – is going to catch you when you fall.
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In reality, most companies don’t execute a single brilliant master plan. They go through stops and starts, a couple near-death experiences, and a great deal of adaptation.
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There is no beginning, middle, or end to a career journey; no matter how old you are or at what stage, you will always be planning and adapting.
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…most successful companies and careers in fact go through many adaptations and iterations. They never really arrive at a fixed destination; it’s an endless journey.
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…you win by becoming a better player of the game at large, not by adapting your technique to every new team you face.
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You have to adapt your plans to the players you have so their unique talents can contribute to the team.
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