…an adaptive organization, [is] one that automatically adjusts its process and performance to current conditions.
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When you’re going too fast, you cause more problems. Adaptive processes force you to slow down and invest in preventing the kinds of problems that are currently wasting time.
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Building an adaptive organization… requires executive leadership to sponsor and support the process.
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Although the primary changes that are required in adaptive organization are in the mind-set of its employees, changing the culture is not sufficient.
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Like muscles responding to regular weight training, particular regions of the brain adapt as they are used and atrophy as they are abandoned.
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The strength of the culture, and not its size or resources, determines an organization’s ability to adapt to the times, overcome adversity and pioneer new innovations.
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…in times of fundamental change… the cliché ‘adapt or die’ takes on its true meaning.
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Efficiency remains important, but the ability to adapt to complexity and continual change has become an imperative.
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…much to our disappointment,… Big Data will offer no respite from the unrelenting demand for continual adaptability.
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This is the nature of adaptive change. You start with a desired goal, then work your way toward that goal, regardless of where that process might take you.
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