Book Titles

Talent is Overrated
What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else

By Geoff Colvin

Year Published: 2008
ISBN-13: 978-1-59184-224-8
Categories: Achievement, Skills, Talent

204 Quotes Found

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Talent is Overrated:

It isn’t just companies that have to keep kicking up their performance more than they ever did before. It’s each of us individually.


Talent is Overrated:

Today, in a change that is historically quite sudden, financial capital is now abundant. The scarce resource is no longer money. It’s human ability.


Talent is Overrated:

For virtually every company, the scarce resource today is human ability. That’s why companies are under unprecedented pressure to make sure that every employee is as highly developed as possible…


Talent is Overrated:

…today, many millions of workers in developed economies compete for jobs [because] a large and growing proportion of all work is information-based and doesn’t involve moving or processing anything physical at all.


Talent is Overrated:

…a fast-growing number of workers everywhere have to be just as good – and just as good a value – as the very best workers in their field anywhere on earth.


Talent is Overrated:

If you think your job isn’t exportable, you may be right – but think about it hard before you relax.


Talent is Overrated:

In a global, information-based, interconnected economy, businesses and individuals are increasingly going up against the world’s best.


Talent is Overrated:

The costs of being less than truly world class are growing, as are the rewards of being genuinely great.


Talent is Overrated:

Understanding where extraordinary performance comes from would be valuable at any time. Now it’s crucial.


Talent is Overrated:

Most of what we want to do is hard. That’s life. Encountering problems, discouragement, and disappointment is inevitable.