Book Titles

Start With No
The Negotiating Tools that the Pros Don’t Want You to Know

By Jim Camp

Year Published: 2002
Categories: Conflict, Negotiation, Selling

205 Quotes Found

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Start With No:

In most negotiations, at some point one of your wants will be some numbers – prices, quantities – but always remember that numbers are limitations. Avoid them until the time is right.


Start With No:

The greatest presentation you will ever give is the one your adversary never sees.


Start With No:

Present only the information that addresses your adversary’s concern, the information that addresses the adversary’s pain – or what you know about it…


Start With No:

If your high-tech presentation isn’t addressed to your adversary’s vision and pain, you’re wasting your gigabytes.


Start With No:

The signed contract is just another decision… Contracts are broken all the time, for starters.


Start With No:

As history has demonstrated all too often over the past millennia, keeping the peace is much more important and usually much more difficult than signing the peace treaty.


Start With No:

…this fadeaway is far more effective than burning bridges.


Start With No:

In any role in life, including negotiation, there is a direct correlation between our self-image and our performance. We consistently perform to the level of our self-image.


Start With No:

Self-esteem keeps you in the fight when you face overwhelming odds.


Start With No:

…early success and failures play a role in the development of self-esteem, but anyone – anyone – can achieve, maintain, and deserve a much higher self-image if he or she is committed to the task.