If we never have a moment to stop and think, we never have to face that terrifying truth.
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The World Health Organization found that Americans live in the richest country, but they are also the most anxious.
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When we’re feeling stressed… brain scan studies are finding, the amygdala flicks on like a lightbulb… We become emotional angry, and frustrated.
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In truth, the body was built for stress. A little stress is good for us. It’s a part of the reason why humans exist at all.
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So a little stress is good. Some excitement or a new challenge rewires the brain in positive ways to help you learn and acquire new sills.
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…if the body is repeatedly stressed-out and anxious… all the finely tuned systems designed to protect the body begin to turn against it.
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Stress can lead to sleep deprivation, which can lead to cognitive impairment, overeating, and addiction.
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…studies have found that stress can, literally, age someone. Especially women.
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Researchers have found that the way people feel about the stress in their lives is a far more powerful predictor of their general health… than any other measure.
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…perception is more precise, even, than actual stressful life events. In other words, what we think about ourselves and our lives is our reality.
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