Book Titles

Average is Over
Powering America Beyond the Age of the Great Stagnation

By Tyler Cowen

Year Published: 2013
ISBN-13: 978-0-525-95373-9
Categories: Future, Intelligence, Technology

125 Quotes Found

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Average is Over:

If your skills are a complement to the computer, your wage and labor market prospects are likely to be cheery.


Average is Over:

Whether it is through Siri, Google, or Wikipedia, there is now almost always a way to ask and – more importantly – a way to receive the answer in relatively digestible form.


Average is Over:

The future of technology is likely to illuminate the unsettling implications of how predictable we are…


Average is Over:

Whether we like it or not, our sparring partners will use mechanized intelligence during their business contests.


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Machines do not put us out of work, as eventually machines create new jobs just as they destroy old ones.


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As intelligent-analysis machines become more powerful and more commonplace, the most obvious and direct beneficiaries will be the humans who are adept at working with computers…


Average is Over:

The ability to mix technical knowledge with solving real-world problems is the key, not sheer number-crunching or programming for its own sake.


Average is Over:

…making high earners feel better in just about every part of their lives will be a major source of job growth in the future.


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At some point it is hard to sell more physical stuff to high earners, yet there is usually just a bit more room to make them feel better.


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…when income and wealth disparities are pronounced, everyone who isn’t at the very top will be scrambling for the attention of those who are.