Self-awareness involves a process of comparing yourself to standards.
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Nature doesn’t really care whether you feel good. It selects for traits that improve survival and reproduction.
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Self-awareness evolves because it helps self-regulation. – Charles Carver & Michael Scheier
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Changing personal behavior to meet standards requires willpower, but willpower without self-awareness is as useless as a cannon commanded by a blind man.
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Once you’ve taken the first two steps in self-control – setting a goal and monitoring your behavior – you’re confronted with a personal question: Should you focus on how far you’ve come or how much remains to be done?
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To stoke motivation and ambition, focus… on the road ahead.
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Public information has more impact than private information.
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…misregulation [is] the mistaken belief that buying something will regulate your mood for the better, when in fact you’ll just feel worse afterward.
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Emotion regulation does not rely on willpower. People cannot simply will themselves to be in love, or to feel intense joy, or to stop feeling guilty.
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Emotional control typically relies on various subtle tricks, such as changing how one things about the problem at hand, or distracting oneself.
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