A Sense of Urgency:
Successes that come quickly, as long as they are unambiguous and visible, demonstrate that a vision of the future has credibility.
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A Sense of Urgency:
Quick successes can turn skeptics into supporters while reducing the power of cynics and NoNos.
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A Sense of Urgency:
…with success comes a major problem: keeping up the sense of urgency needed to accomplish a bigger goal or to sustain a high level of performance over time.
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A Sense of Urgency:
If urgency drops sufficiently and momentum is lost, pushing complacency away a second time can be much more difficult than it was the first.
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A Sense of Urgency:
Communication is obviously central to behaving urgently every day.
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A Sense of Urgency:
The ultimate solution to the problem of urgency dropping after successes is to create the right culture.
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A Sense of Urgency:
With a culture of urgency, people deeply value the capacity to grab new opportunities, avoid new hazards, and continually find ways to win.
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A Sense of Urgency:
Make sure success does not undermine urgency and allow the powerful winds of tradition to pull new behaviors back to historical norms.
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A Sense of Urgency:
Some people will find that to prosper and maintain that prosperity in a turbulent, fast-moving world, a culture of urgency is a huge asset.
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A Sense of Urgency:
Those who feel content with the status quo – feel being the key word, and not what they necessarily say – put themselves in a more and more dangerous position.
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