Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:
What can be more frightening than depending on someone for one’s survival?
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Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:
When we give from a place of love, rather than from a place of expectation, more usually comes back to us that we could have ever imagined.
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Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:
…even if you perceive that someone has mistreated you, find the lesson you learned from them and put the contribution on your list.
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Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:
We need to get rid of pain and anger before we can bring in love.
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Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:
When we hold onto negative feelings about people in our past, we carry those feelings into our present. Not only that, but we can make ourselves physically ill…
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Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:
Don’t let an opportunity go by to thank someone who has given you something – anything at all.
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Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:
…when you become a support to others you become bigger than you are.
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Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:
…when people use what they have learned from you, your effect in this world is greatly magnified.
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Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:
…if our needs are not being met in a relationship, it is time to close that door, with love, and move on to someone else.
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Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:
Time is something there never seems to be enough of, hence it is one of our most valuable commodities.
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