Book Titles

Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway
Dynamic techniques for turning fear, indecision, and anger into power, action, and love

By Susan Jeffers

Year Published: 2007
ISBN-13: 978-0-345-48742-1
Categories: Change, Courage, Fear

103 Quotes Found

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Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:

…be your own best friend. Whatever you are doing – don’t put yourself down.


Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:

For some reason we feel we should be perfect, and forget that we learn through our mistakes.


Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:

Finding out what you don’t like is, paradoxically, as valuable as finding out what you do like.


Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:

…if you want something badly enough, there is a way to get it.


Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:

The knowledge that you can handle anything that comes your way is the key to allowing yourself to take healthy, life-affirming risks.


Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:

…security is not having things; it’s handling things.


Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:

There is no such thing as a false start if you are seriously committed to advancement.


Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:

Intention is a powerful tool in creating something you want in your life.


Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:

It is important to remember that goals constantly change as you go through life, and you have to keep reassessing them.


Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:

It is through confusion that you finally come to clarity.