Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:
You must feel the fear…and do it anyway!
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Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:
All you have to do to find a way out of your self-imposed prison is to retrain your thinking.
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Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:
Pushing through fear is less frightening that living with the underlying fear that comes from a feeling of helplessness.
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Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:
The more helpless we feel, the more severe is the undercurrent of dread that comes with knowing there are situations in life over which we have no control…
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Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:
…the secret to handling fear is to move yourself from a position of pain to a position of power.
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Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:
No one is more unloving than a person who can’t own his or her own power.
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Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:
The truth is that love and power go together.
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Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:
…you can drop an awful lot of excess baggage if you learn to play with life instead of fight it.
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Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:
…simply knowing what to do does not mean that you do it, or, for that matter, even remember it.
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Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway:
Your subconscious believes only what it hears, not what is true.
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