Book Titles

Good to Great
Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t

By Jim Collins

Year Published: 2001
ISBN-13: 978-0066620992
Categories: Change, Success, Transformation

58 Quotes Found

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Good to Great:

…if you have the right people on the bus, the problem of how to motivate and manage people largely goes away.


Good to Great:

To be rigorous, not ruthless, means that the best people need not worry about their positions and concentrate fully on their work.


Good to Great:

No company can grow revenues consistently faster than its ability to get enough of the right people to implement that growth and still become a great company.


Good to Great:

Waiting too long before acting is equally unfair to the people who need to get off the bus.


Good to Great:

The moment you feel the need to tightly manage someone, you’ve made a hiring mistake.


Good to Great:

Letting the wrong people hang around is unfair to all the right people…


Good to Great:

Put your best people on your biggest opportunities, not your biggest problems.


Good to Great:

…no matter what we achieve, if we don’t spend the vast majority of our time with people we love and respect, we cannot possibly have a great life.


Good to Great:

Whether someone is the ‘right person’ has more to do with character traits and innate capabilities than with specific knowledge, background, or skills.


Good to Great:

…breakthrough results come about by a series of good decisions, diligently executed and accumulated one on top of another.