The Power of Regret:
Dissecting terrific events can diminish their terrificness.
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The Power of Regret:
Self-compassion begins by replacing searing judgments with basic kindness.
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The Power of Regret:
By normalizing negative experiences, we neutralize them.
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The Power of Regret:
Looking backward can move us forward, but only if we do it right.
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The Power of Regret:
If a relationship you care about has come undone, place the call. Make that visit. Say what you feel.
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The Power of Regret:
Thinking is for doing. We act in order to survive. We think in order to act.
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The Power of Regret:
Regret is a retrospective emotion. It springs into being when we look backward.
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The Power of Regret:
Losses loom larger than gains.
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The Power of Regret:
Ask yourself, ‘In the future, will I regret this decision if I don’t do X?’.
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The Power of Regret:
Our actions give our lives direction. But other people give those lives purpose.
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