The Self-Employment Survival Guide:
…if you’re going to become self-employed, you had better make darn sure you get it right so that you don’t have to go crawling back into the job market with your tail between your legs.
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The Self-Employment Survival Guide:
Self-employment is extremely stressful if you’re not a decisive person.
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The Self-Employment Survival Guide:
When faced with a decision, often your first thought is your best thought.
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The Self-Employment Survival Guide:
By learning to trust the gut instinct… you should significantly shorten the amount of time you spend dithering.
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The Self-Employment Survival Guide:
…in the early days, the time required for business development activities is significant, and while these hours decrease as time goes by, they near truly go away as clients come and go.
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The Self-Employment Survival Guide:
Many resources are available for researching competitive rates… Don’t skip this step.
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The Self-Employment Survival Guide:
Don’t plan on billing forty hours week in and week out.
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The Self-Employment Survival Guide:
Don’t take on more work than you can manage to do and do well.
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The Self-Employment Survival Guide:
If you’re self-employed, allowing your skills to become outdated can put you at a severe competitive disadvantage.
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The Self-Employment Survival Guide:
Make the most out of your professional association membership.
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