HBR Leader’s Handbook:
Your role as a leader is to shape a compelling vision to fit your organization (or unit, or team) and its environment, and then recraft it periodically as conditions change.
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HBR Leader’s Handbook:
BHAGs or “big, hairy, audacious goals.”
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HBR Leader’s Handbook:
Two skills are particularly important across sectors and industries at all levels: adaptability and emotional intelligence.
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HBR Leader’s Handbook:
…the most critical characteristic that leaders should look for in selecting people is potential, ‘the ability to adapt to and grow into increasingly complex roles and environments.’
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HBR Leader’s Handbook:
As Vito Corleone said in The Godfather, ‘It’s not personal, it’s business.’
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HBR Leader’s Handbook:
Base the feedback discussion on data and not just subjective impressions.
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HBR Leader’s Handbook:
As a leader, your words carry extra weight, and if you are overly negative, you can crush a person’s spirit and self-confidence.
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HBR Leader’s Handbook:
…your role as a leader is to articulate a philosophy of incentives clearly so that people know what it takes to be successful…
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HBR Leader’s Handbook:
Organizations exist to produce collective results that individuals cannot achieve alone…
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HBR Leader’s Handbook:
For many leaders, the skills necessary for the achievement of results don’t come naturally…
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