The Art of Possibility:
A leader does not need a podium; she can be sitting quietly on the edge of any chair, listening passionately and with commitment, fully prepared to take up the baton.
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The Art of Possibility:
Humor can bring us together around our inescapable foibles, confusions, and miscommunications…
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The Art of Possibility:
A child is an exquisite attention-getting device, designed to sound an alarm at the first indication that he will be forgotten or relegated to a position where he does not count.
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The Art of Possibility:
A child’s ability to control his position and the attention of others is critical, much more important than control is for the average adult on an average day.
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The Art of Possibility:
When one person peels away layers of opinion, entitlement, pride, and inflated self-description, others instantly feel the connection.
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The Art of Possibility:
…the capacity to be present to everything that is happening, without resistance, creates possibility.
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The Art of Possibility:
If we make mistakes in our definition of performance, we are likely to glide through them and appreciate the beauty of the longer run.
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The Art of Possibility:
The risk the music invites us to take becomes a joyous adventure only when we stretch beyond our known capacities, while gladly affirming that we may fail.
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The Art of Possibility:
The practice of being with the way things are calls upon us to distinguish between our assumptions, our feelings, and the facts – that is, what has happened or what is happening.
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The Art of Possibility:
When our attention is primarily directed to how wrong things are, we lose our power to act effectively.
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