…it isn’t suffering that leads to hopelessness. It’s suffering you think you can’t control.
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Whether you think you can, or think you can’t – you’re right. – Henry Ford
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When you keep searching for ways to change your situations for the better, you stand a chance of finding them. When you stop searching… you guarantee they won’t.
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…in both younger children and older adults… I’ve found that growth mindset and grit go together.
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Ultimately, adopting a gritty perspective involves recognizing that people get better at things – they grow.
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…when you have setbacks and failures, you can’t overreact to them. You need to step back, analyze them, and learn from them… you also need to stay optimistic.
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Like a muscle that gets stronger with use, the brain changes itself when you struggle to master a new challenge. In fact, there’s never a time in life when the brain is completely ‘fixed’.
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…you can, in fact, modify your self-talk, and you can learn to not let it interfere with you moving toward your goals.
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With patience and guidance, you can change the way you think, feel, and most important, act when the going gets rough.
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You’re acting in a parentlike way if you’re asking for guidance on how to best bring forth interest, practice, purpose, and hope in the people you care for.
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