Book Titles

From Paycheck to Purpose
The Clear Path to Doing Work You Love

By Ken Coleman

Year Published: 2021
ISBN-13: 978-1942121534
Categories: Purpose

83 Quotes Found

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From Paycheck to Purpose:

Taking on debt doesn’t help you rise to the challenge – it takes you further away from your dream.


From Paycheck to Purpose:

Don’t let ‘I can’t do the entire program right now’ become an excuse. Do what you can. Any progress is still progress.


From Paycheck to Purpose:

…your time is your single greatest investment in your future. Use it to your advantage.


From Paycheck to Purpose:

When you’re doing something that big and worthwhile, endurance is everything.


From Paycheck to Purpose:

…impatience, like debt, doesn’t get you to the goal sooner – it causes reckless decisions that set you back.


From Paycheck to Purpose:

…the biggest threat to your success… isn’t that others will disqualify you, it’s that you’ll disqualify yourself.


From Paycheck to Purpose:

Whether it’s your life or your career, it’s just not always going to turn out like you hope. The unexpected will happen.


From Paycheck to Purpose:

When you assume you will face challenges, you prevent your emotions from getting the best of you and stay focused on the path ahead.


From Paycheck to Purpose:

What you focus on is what you act on.


From Paycheck to Purpose:

When you look for the positive in any setback, it allows your brain to start seeing the possibilities at play.