Stumbling on Happiness:
Perceptions are portraits, not photographs, and their form reveals the artist’s hand every bit as much as it reflects the things portrayed.
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Stumbling on Happiness:
We tend to forget that our brains are talented forgers, weaving a tapestry of memory and perception whose detail is so compelling that its inauthenticity is rarely detected.
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Stumbling on Happiness:
It is difficult to escape the focus of our own attention – difficult to consider what it is we may not be considering – and this is one of the reasons why we so often mispredict our emotional responses to future events.
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Stumbling on Happiness:
When we spy the future through our prospectiscopes, the clarity of the next hour and the fuzziness of the next year can lead us to a make a variety of mistakes.
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Stumbling on Happiness:
Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.
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Stumbling on Happiness:
…most of us have a hard time imagining a tomorrow that is terribly different from today, and we find it particularly difficult to imagine that we will ever think, want, or feel differently than we do now.
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Stumbling on Happiness:
Curiosity is a powerful urge, but when you aren’t smack-dab in the middle of feeling it, it’s hard to imagine just how far and fast it can drive you.
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Stumbling on Happiness:
…how we feel when we imagine an event is usually a good indicator of how we will feel when the event itself transpires.
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Stumbling on Happiness:
…when people are prevented from feeling an emotion in the present, they become temporarily unable to predict how they will feel in the future.
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Stumbling on Happiness:
Future events may request access to the emotional areas of our brains, but current events almost always get the right of way.
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