Book Titles

Fierce Conversations
Achieving Success at Work and in Life One Conversation at a Time

By Susan Scott

Year Published: 2004
ISBN-13: 978-0670031245
Categories: Success

127 Quotes Found

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Fierce Conversations:

When we get squeezed – when things aren’t going well for us – what comes out of us? Whatever’s inside us.


Fierce Conversations:

Each conversation we have with our coworkers, customers, significant others, and children either enhances those relationships, flatlines them, or takes them down.


Fierce Conversations:

In its simplest form, a fierce conversation is one in which we come out from behind ourselves into the conversation and make it real.


Fierce Conversations:

No plan survives its collision with reality.


Fierce Conversations:

The traditional practice of annual strategic planning sessions is a thing of the past.


Fierce Conversations:

…Let’s face it. The world will not be managed. Life is curly. Don’t try to straighten it.


Fierce Conversations:

Most people want to hear the truth, even if it is unpalatable.


Fierce Conversations:

Companies and marriages derail because people don’t say what they are really thinking.


Fierce Conversations:

…relationships and organizations are simplified, energized, and clarified when they exist in an atmosphere of truth.


Fierce Conversations:

…if we dig in our heels regarding a familiar or favored reality, we may fail.