…there are no limitations on what you can earn, because you can always find more people to serve.
The Go-Giver:
When you’ve got your own army of personal walking ambassadors, you’ll have referrals coming our way faster than you can handle them.
The Go-Giver:
When you base your relationships… on who owes who what, that’s not being a friend. That’s being a creditor.
The Go-Giver:
Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first.
The Go-Giver:
…enlightened self-interest. Watch out for what other people need, with the faith that when you do, you’ll get what you need.
The Go-Giver:
A genuinely sound business principle will apply anywhere in life – in your friendships, in your marriage, anywhere. That’s the bottom line.
The Go-Giver:
…no matter what your training, no matter what your skills, no matter what area you’re in, you are your most important commodity. The most valuable gift you have to offer is you.
The Go-Giver:
No matter what you think you’re selling, what you’re really offering is you.
The Go-Giver:
…if you don’t let yourself receive, you’re refusing the gifts of others – and you shut down the flow.