The Go-Giver:
Typically, the more successful [people] are, the more willing they are to share their secrets with others.
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The Go-Giver:
…to get really, really big, to reach the kind of stratospheric success we’re talking about, people need to have something on the inside, something that’s genuine.
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The Go-Giver:
There’s nothing wrong with making money. Lots of it, in fact. It’s just not a goal that will make you successful.
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The Go-Giver:
A very useful thing to remember: appearances can be deceiving… Truth is, they nearly always are.
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The Go-Giver:
…the Golden Rule of business… people will do business with and refer business to those people they know, like and trust.
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The Go-Giver:
Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.
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The Go-Giver:
All the great fortunes in the world have been created by mean and women who had a greater passion for what they were giving – their product, service or idea – than for what they were getting.
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The Go-Giver:
Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.
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The Go-Giver:
Your compensation is directly proportional to how many lives you touch.
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The Go-Giver:
…you get to determine your level of compensation – it’s under your control. If you want more success, find a way to serve more people. It’s that simple.
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